About me

I'm a Python enthusiast with a deep passion for automation and web scraping. I specialize in leveraging powerful tools like Selenium and Beautiful Soup to extract data and automate tasks, saving valuable time and effort.

With expertise in Python and the Django framework, I excel at crafting exceptional web applications that deliver outstanding performance and user experience. I bring together my coding finesse and automation skills to create elegant and efficient solutions.

When I'm not immersed in web development, you'll find me diving into scripting and automation. Whether it's writing Python or Bash scripts, I love streamlining workflows and automating repetitive tasks to boost productivity. Additionally, I'm a staunch advocate for open source applications and actively support their growth and advancement.

What i'm doing

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    Web Development

    Learning to create robust and scalable backend solutions that seamlessly handle data storage, processing, and retrieval.

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    Cloud Computing

    Exploring the vast realm of cloud computing, learning to design and deploy robust, scalable, and secure cloud-based solutions

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    Mastering the art of automating workflows using automation scripts to reduce reduntant tasks and improve workflow.

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    CLI Development

    Diving Deeper in the development and nuances of $bash based applications for Linux using Python and Shell Script.

Find me on



  1. Software Engineer


    I specialize in building high-quality web applications. With a focus on efficiency and attention to detail, I collaborate effectively with teams to solve complex challenges and deliver exceptional results. I'm committed to continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest technologies to ensure optimal project execution and client satisfaction.

  2. Intern


    Through in-depth research and analysis, I crafted engaging and informative articles on various topics related to technology and its advancements. This experience allowed me to refine my writing style, develop my critical thinking abilities, and effectively convey complex concepts to a wider audience. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of translating technical knowledge into accessible and engaging content, fostering a passion for effective communication within the tech industry.


  1. Feroze Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology

    B.Tech (CSE)

    Engaged in a comprehensive curriculum that encompassed a wide array of subjects in computer science and engineering. This included coursework in areas such as data structures, algorithms, software engineering, database management, operating systems, and computer networks.

My skills

  • Backend Development
  • Data Science
  • Automation
  • Game Development



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